A dense fog thickens around you
In the first color that comes to mind
The colorful, cool air engulfs you
It’s the only thing left in sight
Just then you hear a voice
Coming from the sky
You look up towards the heavens
And only stars meet your eyes
The voice says, “I am the moon
I’m still right up here
Even if you can’t see me
Just know that I am there
Sometimes you need my light
But sometimes you need my dark
A time to swim within your shadows
And dig deep within your heart
It’s a time for a new chapter
A time for a clean slate
To forge a path based on your deepest desires
And the unique qualities that make you great
In my light I have seen you shine
I know that you are strong
A strength that will guide you
When the unexpected comes along
You see, sometimes you need a shake up
And to challenge the status quo
To realize the hidden powers within you
And truths you need to know
It’s ok to dive into your feelings
Just like the tides that ebb and swell
Come up for air when you are ready
When your spirit is good and well
Then take small steps towards what you want
And little by little I’ll give you light
And remember that often your darkest hours
Give birth to your brightest nights”
The stars start to glow even brighter
As the moon’s words echo in your heart
The cloudy air gives you once last hug
And then the fog begins to part
You feel the weight of your body against the sand
And the love and support that surrounds you
With a readiness to set intentions
And perhaps to start something new.